
Woke up for Keifer and the last episode of The Unit online. Spent the morning using the washing machine in the apartment basement. Now we have clean clothes for the upcoming week.

Costco run was a success. We made it all 1.5 miles with our old lady grocery cart, found what we needed, and even found a short check out line. (That never happens!). I will say that I love Costco and Target because they are convenient. My friend Scott says I shouldn’t shop at places like these and that I should support the local mom and pop stores that line my street. I try and often do support them for some items… I bought cooking oil at the Korean store around the corner, ice cream from another store, and the occasional donut. But when I went in search of cat litter, I found that the mom and pops charge $16.00 for eight pounds, where as Whole Paycheck charges $6.00 for fourteen pounds. Costco offers thirty pounds for $6.75. Yeah, I’ll take the small package for a lot of money… Sorry Scott.

Went back to Westfield Mall to return Elli’s new shoes. Woo Hoo! Had the AT&T booth transfer her phone book from her old phone to her new one, and then to Borders to look at magazines while Elli broke her new phone in by chit chatting her friends from Missouri.

Melrose Place

Melrose Place

Left the mall 30 minutes later to eat dinner and watch Melrose Place online. Our library won’t interlibrary loan DVD’s (unlike the Johnson County Kansas library), so we are reduced to the episodes she finds online. I miss the 80s. Big shoulder pads, hair bangs, poofy hair, catty drama..

There was of course a Tetris battle, some reading and getting ready for work tomorrow. I have to go to Mass tomorrow (I work at a Catholic School and it’s part of my job). Not sure what to expect.

Read, sleep, good night…


Elli and I were tired after our big hike on Angel Island so we lazed around until 11am, not really being in any hurry.

I made breakfast for us (eggs and sausage) and then we cleaned up and hustled to Gamescape so I could play in a Hero Clix tournament. Hero Clix is a comic book “action” game using a map and miniature figures to represent your super-hero team. Each figure has a point value and together the team needs to add to no more than 300 points. Today was a sealed tourney, meaning that you bought two sealed boxes of random figures (5 figures to a box), and had to make a team with “what you got”, so Spider-Man might end up being on a team with Doctor Doom. I’m a big theme team player; I like my team to be something that would have been in the comics, or reflect a certain team-up from a comic book that I liked. Most players are power players, putting anyone and everyone on a team, buying “super rare” figures off the internet for insane amounts of money (sometimes $125 or more) to get them the edge. I don’t like to play that way, mainly because it’s not very much fun, and I can think of better things to do with $125 dollars than spend it on a small piece of plastic).

Anyway, I was the new guy in town, and I didn’t make many friends today with my Doctor Doom and Arachne team-up. (It was what was in my box!). But I hope I did and that everyone had fun.

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom



I won all my games, and in my last game Doctor Doom rendered Hercules powerless. I had a great time, and enjoyed my beginners luck. I traded my winning prize battlefield condition card for Cloak and Dagger.

Cloak and Dagger

Cloak and Dagger

Afterwards, I met Elli at a coffee shop down the street where I ate a breakfast bagel (egg, turkey and jack cheese on an asiago bagel!), and drank a cup of coffee. We left there and walked to Chris Elbow and indulged in some chocolate, and came home for dinner.

A great Sunday after a great Saturday. I think I could get used to hanging out in coffee shops and playing games all day. If only I could make money from that…

Watched an episode of Flashpoint on This is my new favorite TV show, and since I don’t have a TV, I have to watch it online. It is about police officers in the Strategic Response Unit, and they are responsible for tactical emergencies such as hostage situations, with the goal of saving lives and diffusing the situation. Unfortunately, the first episodes is not online, even though the CBS masthead says it is. Settled for watching episode 6, I think. I don’t think there will be much confusion for watching them out of order. Anxiously awaiting time to watch the other episodes that are still online, where I can start with episode 2.


Flashpoint on

Spent the remainder of the evening looking on the web trying to buy Hero Clix singles (the ones I want seem to be sold out most places) and reading with Elli before sleeping.