Yeah, blogging for free is hard.  You don’t have the money incintive that the corporate blog hos have (meaning they get paid to write meaningless drivel, where I have to create it for the sheer love of reading my own words).

The spring semester is over, the intersession starts next week, and the summer semester starts June 14.  I’m looking at a busy summer.

Still no word on if I have a job next school year or not.  I was supposed to know in early April, but the low enrollment has prevented any of the teachers being hired at this point.  You have to love the system.  No matter how crazy it is, it never seems to fix itself.

I’ve also updated my photo blog with some a few images from my last semester –

Say hello to all my fans!  Summer may actually see some postings.

I know there has been a request for some of Elli’s recipies.  I’ll see what I can do, since she usually makes it all up on the fly.  She’s a good cook like that…