
It’s been almost two months since I updated anything.  Here is a summary of the past two months in no particular order:

  1. I finished my second semester of graduate school with A’s and B’s.
  2. We visited Maryland and the D.C. area over Christmas, spending a large amount of time at the airport playing “I like to fly stand-by!”
  3. We found an old lady Vietnamese drug ring on Levanworth Street.  I guess everyone needs a job.
  4. I started a new school semester – taking Anthropology, Book Arts, and Historical Experimental Processes (love that darkroom smell…)
  5. Elli got hit it the face with a big, hard crusty bread thrown by an angry (homeless?) man when she wouldn’t give him money.
  6. We’ve watched lots of TV on the internet.
  7. Elli is lame and defective – she had four cavities and two root canals (which means two crowns).  Say good -bye to my XBox fund…
  8. Amanda L. came to visit Elli (Elli needs a friend in the city)
  9. Elli and Amanda rented a Go-Car, a questionable street legal go-cart rental service that takes you on an audio tour as you drive around the city in your tiny bug of a car (while wearing a safety helmet!).
  10. We ate Indonesian food.
  11. We discovered Paulette cookies.  Well, I discovered them.  Elli was annoyed that I stopped to check out the store as we were walking to Patricia’s Green park in Hayes Valley.
  12. We hang out at Patricia’s Green (a nearby park) quite a bit, reading our book while sitting in the sun and watching the dogs run around and play.
  13. Found Paxton’s Gate, a way cool store of scientific oddities and weird artwork.
  14. Elli started taking Italian language classes.
  15. The cats threw up on the bed once, the floor once, and the ottoman once.
  16. I’ve learned to cook something besides curry.
  17. We saw a few movies at the theater where they serve ice cream and coffee.
  18. We ate sushi a few times.